Nontron Virole n° 25 - Bowl - Amaranth Wood Handle Nontron - 60253

Pocket Knife by Nontron

Gamme Nontron

In stock
75.00 €

Nontron Virole n° 25
Bowl Handle
Amaranth Wood Handle
9 cm blade - stainless steel

  • Stainless Steel


Nontron virole No. 25 -

Bowl Handle

Amaranth Wood Handle

Stainless steel blade

Total Dimension: 21 cm

Blade Length: 9 cm

Blade Width: 1.6 cm

The Nontron knife is manufactured in a traditional old cutlery and original pocket knife is like no other.

It is named after a small town in Dordogne (Nontron 24300) where the tradition of cutlery endures since the 15th century. Today, Nontronnaise Cutlery develops and promotes a full range of pocket knives with traditional manufacturing quality in which each knife maker makes the knife from beginning to end. With specific gestures, delicate, almost slow, are carried out about thirty five operations account the realization of a knife, cutting the wood to its characteristic décor.

The sleeves are worked hard wood like boxwood him is cut after 15 to twenty years. the wood dries in the open air for at least four years before being worked.

See all Nontron knives


By Blade Size
2 - Normal Knife
By kind of Handle
27 - Other Woods
By kind of Steel
1 - Stainless Steel
By Opening System
3 - Virole
Piece Number
1 - 1 blade
System Lock
Blade Steel
Stainless Steel
Blade Size
3 3/5 in (9 cm)
Blade Width
0,63 in (1,6 cm)
Total Dimension
8 2/5 in (21 cm)

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